Fredericksburg Food Bank – In light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we are adjusting our sourcing and distribution practices to keep food flowing throughout our network – in order to ensure that nutritious food reaches communities that need it most. The health and safety of our community is our top priority.
We may be away from our desk and/or working remotely during this time. We will be checking our messages and will respond as time permits. For updates on how we are addressing COVID-19 click here.
FOOD DONATIONS: To ensure the highest food safety standards for our community, we are asking for monetary donations to purchase the most needed items and not encouraging community food drives. We would love for you to host a Virtual Food Drive to share your passion for helping those in our community.
VOLUNTEER: At this time we are not accepting Walk-In volunteers.  We value each and every one of you and must strive to maintain “social distancing”. We ask that all volunteers sign up for shifts on our volunteer site prior to coming in. If you are over the age of 60 or face a higher risk for COVID-19 we ask that you refrain from volunteering at this time. 
FUNDS: Monetary donations will make the biggest impact. In an effort to meet the needs of our community we are focusing on emergency distribution, including distribution of pre-packed TEFAP boxes. $10 can help provide 20 nourishing meals. To make a gift online, please click here, or call (540) 371-7666 x 137 to make a gift via phone.
AGENCY PICKUPS: At this time we ask all of our community partners to schedule their pickups & deliveries ahead of time. To schedule a pickup or delivery login to the Agency Ordering Portal or contact Mishelle Krogstad, Director of Agency & Programs, at (540) 371-7666 x 134 or at [email protected] or LaToya Brown, Agency & Programs Coordinator, at (540) 371-7666 x 132 or [email protected]
FOOD ASSISTANCE: The Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank will be holding a “Drive Through” pantry at our facility for Seniors (60 years of age & older) on Tuesday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM and on Thursday for Families & Individuals from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. For real time updates on food assistance programs in our region, download our app FredFoodVA on your iOS or Android device.  We will remain open for the long haul to make certain our neighbors have enough food for their families during this time.

The United Way is Offering Coronavirus Pandemic Assistance. Click for More Info Read More

Manarc is open for business at the regular hours.  We are offering 50% off the entire store and we are still accepting donations of goods and monetary donations are greatly appreciated.

The Rappahannock Area Family YMCA and its four locations (King George, Caroline, Ron Rosner, and Massad will be officially closed for all operations March 16 until March 29th.

All Rappahannock United Way tax sites have been closed until further notice. The federal government has extended the tax deadline to July 15th.

Thurman Brisben Center

Restricted Access to Shelter
Besides residents, only essential personnel and service providers are allowed in the building. Comings and goings are limited to what is necessary. Volunteer activities and donations of goods are mostly suspended. Residents are taking on additional responsibilities to keep the shelter running.
Hundreds of meals, provided and served by volunteers in normal times, are also suspended. Fredericksburg City Schools dropping off prepared meals until the threat is past.
Valor of On-Site Staff
Shift Coordinators, Case Managers, and the Deputy Director are on the front lines of this health emergency, working tirelessly in a communal living environment to keep residents, themselves, and the community safe.
Working from Home
In accordance with health authorities, administrative staff are performing essential tasks from five home offices.
Events Postponed
Our 2nd Annual Breakfast has been postponed, as has the Brisben Center Golf Tournament scheduled for April. We graciously thank all those who have contributed and will send details as soon as firm dates are set. The long-awaited completion of our solar power system and Grand Illumination celebration are also on hold until further notice.